Friday 20 November 2009

Baby's 9th month

As you head off to your little one’s ninth month check-up later this month, expect to be questioned about her development. Most children this age are able to wave "bye-bye," although chances are she’ll not perform for the doctor when you want her to.

She’ll hit another milestone any day now. The development of the pincer grip, grasping a small object between her thumb and forefinger, allowing her greater freedom in self-feeding. Help her master this skill by introducing small, easy to eat foods like Cheerios, or small pieces of soft, cooked fruits and vegetables.

You’ve waited months to hear it, but now you’re soon to hear that adorable little voice address you by name. She’ll be able to say Mama and Dada now and may even be able to say another familiar word. Be sure to record these first words even if only by writing them on a calendar on the day they’re first uttered. You’ll treasure these memories for life

Your baby's 36th week
Watch the wheels of his little mind turn rapidly as he begins to associate mental images with familiar labels. He understands that when you say "cat" you are talking about the furry animal that sits all day on the sunny window ledge safely out of reach. Now he’ll begin creating mental images of the cat when you say the name and it’s not within sight. He’ll soon make these associations about every object even if he can’t yet say the words. Talk to him constantly. Narrate your action and discuss the names of nearby items. You’ll encourage swift language growth, but watch what you say when he’s within earshot. He likely understands much more than you’d imagine.

Establish primitive routines now to help him through daily tasks. For example, choose a particular bedtime and stick with it each night. Prepare for bed by taking a relaxing bath and washing away the day’s dirt, or spend a few minutes each evening reading a good book. Other routines include simple procedures such as saying "bye-bye" to each person when it’s time to leave or to favorite toys as you put them away. Simple steps such as these help him anticipate and accept the coming changes.

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